Sunday, April 18, 2010

warren zevon

after my crossfit on saturday, and after quite a bit of procrastination, i arranged to meet christine around 4 for a run in palgrave. well, we both ran in palgrave, but just not together. i misunderstood and screwed up the details, and we never did see each other. thankfully she realizes that i'm getting old and stoopider, and is okay with that. she ended up running and then riding with cindy, while i myself put in over 18km. felt pretty good too!
i decided last minute sunday morning to join christine, barb and mrs. gally for a run on the humber.

cindy (aka kevin) showed up too ! me and christine gave him that name after we both kicked his ass in a crossfit session named that. not sure he likes it, but, oh well !! hehe!

here's a pic of christine and mrs. gally. hard to believe she's 6 months pregnant - hell, i look more ready to give birth than she does!

after the run we hung out at timmies and discussed future adventures. something was mentioned about the leadville 100 - but that's for when babies have been delivered and feet are healed . . .

i had great plans to take the misfit over to inglewood in the afternoon, but i was beat. i had a nap, and then later lay on the deck of the treehouse, eating pizza and listening to my new windchimes.

and i had to smile as i recalled an email from robbie. this was what he said after having read about what i did on saturday. "that's pretty f#!*in good. you remind me of warren zevon's song "i'll sleep when i'm dead".
i think i like that !


  1. I remember another Warren Zevon song from NipMuck that Robbie liked, "My Sh*#'s Fu*ked Up". Remember that one? And the Pogues "Fiesta"?
    Phantom knows his tunes.

  2. Haaaay! The Pogues Fiesta was my first dance for my wedding. Yup.

    Didn't we share some "quality time" marching up Hope Pass? My first thoughts on Leadville are....
    What Could Go Wrong?

  3. 'come all you rambling boys of pleasure ... ' and why am i not surprised !! nice to hear from you.
    leadville .... hmmmm !
