Saturday, December 10, 2011

200 burpees - possamai you're evil !

saturday i hiked trailman early, and went to crossfit. we did a tabata 'fight gone bad'. i was pretty pleased with my score, and managed to tie kane - hiiiiiiiiiii kane! then came home, procrastinated for a couple of hours, and finally got out on the trail. so yahoo! my legs felt amazing today! conditions were ideal and temp was just below freezing. did 2 hours and it was magic!

just before sunset . . .

i LOVE running . . .

have you ever done a wall climb before ?!!? good gawd! you start on the floor, on your belly, with your feet against the wall. then you proceed to climb backwards up the wall, until your face is about 6" away, and your chest touches. then you 'very ungracefully' let your feet slide/crash back down the wall, as your arms move as fast as possible to keep you from doing a yard sale! and as if this isn't bad enough, the guy beside you (i won't mention any names - thomas) has eaten burritos for lunch and is farting the whole time!!!

and so naturally, i figure it's a great idea to get our fnc picture with all of us doing 'said' wall climbs! i had to take a couple practice shots with the timer, cuz we didn't want to be hanging out any longer than we had to ! 'okay lovely, you back over here, and i'll go beside jo."

now thomas, you get in between me and lia, but no more farting !! and jay, stop laughing!

well, that kinda worked, except yummy dillon is totally blocking out lia! and where the hell did jo and that other girl go (fuck i keep forgetting her name) . . .

one more try - still can't see jo and it looks like thomas is going to knock me over - but it'll have to do! i must admit, it was pretty funny!

nice run in palgrave on thursday. trees were still covered in snow from a couple of days ago! ran the single track for over an hour.

and just cuz this guy has a sick sense of humor - my sorry old arse was made to do 200 burpees on wednesday! enough possamai - they SUCK !!

finally - DIDN'T get into western states - AGAIN - this is the fourth time i haven't been selected in their stoopid lottery! but, i'm not really upset, cuz me and the boys are heading to leadville in august, and that should be a BLAST !!



    I love those pics of the wall climbs!!


  2. you look SO little in between jay and thomas!!

  3. Haha, ya I do! I just looked at the picture again and its pretty funny.

    I don't know what was worse, holding the handstand for the picture or worrying about being crushed by those two combined with praying that Thomas didn't fart!

    Have a good trip and enjoy your holidays! I'll see you when you get back for "season's beatings"!!

